Thursday, March 23, 2017

Schumer Plays the Big Man Again

According to a letter from Senator Ted Cruz today he informed his supporters that Chuck Schumer has stated that he is opposed to Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court nominee (big surprise), and is trying to convince Democrat Senators to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch.
While some Washington insiders seem surprised, no one that knows anything about politics is surprised.  Schumer, a lawyer who has never practiced law, has an ego that is so big that he often rolls it around in the Senate chambers, and always in front of TV cameras like a giant beach ball.
In November, 2014 Schumer ranted that the news media was, “negative and sensationalistic”.  He was right!  But did he understand it then, and has somehow has lost his bearings in 2017? No! He was blaming the news media for democrat loses in the mid-term elections.  The story is covered completely covered in an  Accuracy in Media story, even go so far to say “that the Democrats failed the middle class by supporting Obamacare—which focused on the “wrong problem”—and then blamed the Obama-loving news media for being too “negative” and “sensationalistic.”  In this same sitting, he said the media was guilty of focusing on the “government’s failure and not it’s successes”. 
This is prime Schumer again.  He, more than most, knows that big government always has more failures than successes.  It’s not even close—prime example—Obamacare.  Accuracy in Media wrapped up the story and exposed Schumer’s hypocrisy with this: “That probably came as a surprise to the members of the mainstream media in attendance, since the last thing they wanted to see was the Republicans taking control of the Senate, and adding to their majority in the House.

But they made a good scapegoat for Schumer, who, although he was correct in listing some of the Democrats’ failures, didn’t mention the person who was truly responsible for the midterm drubbing—President Obama.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

The Old and Current Arrogance of Barak Obama

Reprinted from February 11, 2009 Post

It seems with every passing day, Obama moves closer and closer to an irreversable, failed Presidency.   Just in office a little more than three weeks, Obama shows signs that he may self destruct early in his presidency. My position about his likeness to the failed Jimmy Carter becomes more and more obvious every day. The comparison is irrestible to the media. You and I, and many others like Rush Limbaugh, and other conservatives would not jump into Obama's way to prevent him from getting run over politically--the problem is though, when he fails, America is weakened. This country was able to hold on until Ronald Reagan arrived, and I believe we can hold on for four years until help arrives again. America and Americans are strong, but we have to be strong and hold on together. To do so means that we have to fight, we have to challenge Obama and the democrat congress, and we have to refuse to stand by and watch these liberals attempt to destroy our country and our freedom.
Mr. Obama only had a few days of Oval Office experience under his belt when signs of his absolute inexperience, and maybe some of his cleverly devised plan, began to show. It's hard for a President of the United States to be successful when immediately after taking the oath of office he extends an olive branch to one of America's worst enemies. Iran's deranged leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, already smells blood in the water and has insisted that the United States apologize to Iran. Ahmadinejad is not alone here, there are plenty of tyrants in the world sitting back and licking their chops, just waiting for Obama's telephone call or visit. Chalk up one to Obama here. He's the first President who has ever been able to embolden one of America's death enemies in the first month of his Presidency, except of course, for Jimmy Carter. To further follow Carter's lead, all Obama needs to do now is to go to Russia and grovel in front of Russia's KGB King Vladimir Putin; talk about a crazy man who can detect weakness!
Obama, after taking office, immediately attempts to approach the insane Akmadinijad, the same person who laughed at Jimmy Carter thirty years ago while he and others held American citizens hostage.
After bowing to the Arabs, Mr. "Change You Can Believe In", launches blunder number two; I really should not call this a blunder because just as in his "let's placate the Muslims" trick, Obama is equally complicit in the so called "Stimulus" bill. "Just trust me", Obama and his democrat supporters cry, "we know what's best", this surely is "change you can believe in". Please Mr. Obama and Congress, as one of my old friends likes to say, "I'm a little crazy, but I'm not stupid"!
If Mr. Obama is anywhere close to as smart as he wants us to think he is, he knows that this potentially ruinous, government power grab and bail out plan further weakens America. This massive trillion dollar spending package spends on and meddles in everything from health care, to immigration, to national security and privacy concessions. I'm always amazed that the democrats are always able to continue to do harm to the country while smiling into the camera and telling the American people, "we're doing this for you".
Obama and his democrat party have been warned repeatedly by the Congressional Budget Office and by financial experts all over the world that this bill may very well do more harm to the country than if they did nothing at all. Their arrogance elicits both bewilderment and anger from the American people. No one, not the President, not the Congress, not any government entity should be allowed to hold the American people in such disdain. And there you have the rub; here lies the comparison of Obama to Carter. Some say it is naivete, but in fact it is not. If it was, we could take some measure of comfort that they may soon learn, but it's not as simple as being naive. It is arrogancearrogance by political newcomers who think they have all the answers. They think, "I was elected President of the United States--I've got the answers". Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are and have always been, arrogant politically motivated sycophants who will do or say anything to advance themselves. The comparison of the two men's arrogance is valid and it will not take the American people long to recognize it. Let's just hope that happens soon!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

President Trump Returns to the People

President Trump's energy comes from people.  He has a way of communicating with the American public that I have not seen since Ronald Reagan was President.  Today was one of those days when the new President went to the people.

The headline of the covers the President's visit and why He is there:

  • 'I'm here because I want to be among the people': 
  • Trump continues his assault on 'fake' news with campaign rally in Florida after First Lady Melania led the crowd in The Lord's Prayer 

  • President Donald Trump stepped off of Air Force One for a speech in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday

  • He was introduced by the First lady Melania Trump who opened the rally with The Lord's Prayer

  • President spoke about bringing back jobs and increasing national security, and slammed the press

  • He defended the controversial immigration ban and bashed the appellate court that struck it down 

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Friday, January 20, 2017

More Than A Great Day in America.......

I just had to publish this post again trusting that we will be able to not lose hope no matter what the left does.

Tomorrow is my granddaughter's eighth birthday.  I have some hope now that she can grow up in a free America just like I did.  Bless her little heart, she was born the day Obama was inaugurated, so that.....person has been president every day of her life.  That changed today.  She has a new President, President Donald Trump. That moment finally came today.   the day millions of Americans have been waiting for.  At precisely 12:00 noon, Donald Trump took the oath of office as our 45th President.  It came off perfectly, just like every one that had proceeded it.  Why not?  This is America.  But of course, we could not get past the sick story CNN ran yesterday about what would happen if President Trump was assassinated just as he was taking the oath of office.  It's true, click on the link to see for yourself.

In spite of the Spirit of hope and Conservativism that hung heavy, not only in Washington D.C. but all across America, there we the usual dissenters.  A few blocks away thugs and anarchists burned, destroyed and looted personal and real property.  Not unlike them, the liberal press was hard at work demonizing President Trump.

The conservative news LifeZette,  was quick to point out comments from the likes of a Salon writer, referring to Trump's supporters, "They made a decision that loyalty to whiteness took precedence to a shared sense of humanity and the common good; "Therefore they almost deserve to suffer", And so, that is free speech in America. The article went on to say " The butcher's bill has come due: their President is about to victimize his own voters." What, who is this guy, where is he?  It's unbelievable that an entity that holds themselves out as a news outlet could print and publish such garbage.

We should not be surprised.  Remember Election night?  The same old left-wing wrinkle-faced icons of the so-called mainstream, so-called journalists, (I would never call them reporters because they are nothing more than left-wing cattle herders) the likes of Matt Lauer, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and it goes on, and on and on.

Now that we've gotten hold of the reins in Washington I'd like to give you some links to media, both left and right.  While I don't entirely agree with this, it is a place to start and watch if you do not already.

A lot of conservative leaders, and I agree with them,  believe that the only really reliable news sources are Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, and The Washington Times.  I would like to add a couple of my own favorites, Mark Levin, and

Our mission of taking our country back was accomplished today.  There will be some rough spots in the road.  I firmly believe, however, that the opposition has now me a giant in President Donald J. Trump.  Let us all pray that God will bless, guide and protect him.

Check back with me often as I hope to write more posts with information that you can use.In March 2017, I hope to have my full-fledged website rolled out with daily news and updates.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

America's Great Change

A Few weeks ago, America put Donald Trump in the Oval Office and what a change it has made

Despite everything the establishment, both Republican and Democrat, could do, they could not keep Donald Trump out of the oval office.  I will not give a full recap in this edition of the blog, there's too much to say all in a few posts.   

Beginning with that, now famous, descent from the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for the presidency--every day, every moment--through all those months on the campaign trail, in both the primary and general election, Donald Trump was laughed at, scoffed at, facing ugly crowds that hated him, he did the one thing he has and will always do; never give up.  

It seemed like Christmas at our home.  We gathered early, long before the polls closed, and stayed late until about 5:00 A.M.   I'm 60 years old now and I've been following politics every day of my life since I was old enough to know what it was all about.  How else could our family be? My seventh generation grandfather was with George Washington at Valley Forge--I come from a long line of American Patriots.

As the hands of the clock slowly turned on election night, we had our ups and downs, but as you all know it was mostly ups.  Democrat Hillary Clinton never got in the game as state by state was called by Fox News.  You could tell even they were surprised.  Remember how, over and over  we were so solemnly told by all the news media, "Donald Trump just has "no path" to 270 electoral votes"?  Well, how about that--over a two to three hour period--they slowly began to realize that their champion, Hillary Clinton, was the on who had "no path" to 270 electoral votes"?  Then at last, the teary-eyed media talking heads of the  press at approximately 2:50 A.M. the morning after the election where they finally had to say it; "Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States".