Friday, January 20, 2017

More Than A Great Day in America.......

I just had to publish this post again trusting that we will be able to not lose hope no matter what the left does.

Tomorrow is my granddaughter's eighth birthday.  I have some hope now that she can grow up in a free America just like I did.  Bless her little heart, she was born the day Obama was inaugurated, so that.....person has been president every day of her life.  That changed today.  She has a new President, President Donald Trump. That moment finally came today.   the day millions of Americans have been waiting for.  At precisely 12:00 noon, Donald Trump took the oath of office as our 45th President.  It came off perfectly, just like every one that had proceeded it.  Why not?  This is America.  But of course, we could not get past the sick story CNN ran yesterday about what would happen if President Trump was assassinated just as he was taking the oath of office.  It's true, click on the link to see for yourself.

In spite of the Spirit of hope and Conservativism that hung heavy, not only in Washington D.C. but all across America, there we the usual dissenters.  A few blocks away thugs and anarchists burned, destroyed and looted personal and real property.  Not unlike them, the liberal press was hard at work demonizing President Trump.

The conservative news LifeZette,  was quick to point out comments from the likes of a Salon writer, referring to Trump's supporters, "They made a decision that loyalty to whiteness took precedence to a shared sense of humanity and the common good; "Therefore they almost deserve to suffer", And so, that is free speech in America. The article went on to say " The butcher's bill has come due: their President is about to victimize his own voters." What, who is this guy, where is he?  It's unbelievable that an entity that holds themselves out as a news outlet could print and publish such garbage.

We should not be surprised.  Remember Election night?  The same old left-wing wrinkle-faced icons of the so-called mainstream, so-called journalists, (I would never call them reporters because they are nothing more than left-wing cattle herders) the likes of Matt Lauer, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and it goes on, and on and on.

Now that we've gotten hold of the reins in Washington I'd like to give you some links to media, both left and right.  While I don't entirely agree with this, it is a place to start and watch if you do not already.

A lot of conservative leaders, and I agree with them,  believe that the only really reliable news sources are Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, and The Washington Times.  I would like to add a couple of my own favorites, Mark Levin, and

Our mission of taking our country back was accomplished today.  There will be some rough spots in the road.  I firmly believe, however, that the opposition has now me a giant in President Donald J. Trump.  Let us all pray that God will bless, guide and protect him.

Check back with me often as I hope to write more posts with information that you can use.In March 2017, I hope to have my full-fledged website rolled out with daily news and updates.

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