Sunday, January 01, 2017

America's Great Change

A Few weeks ago, America put Donald Trump in the Oval Office and what a change it has made

Despite everything the establishment, both Republican and Democrat, could do, they could not keep Donald Trump out of the oval office.  I will not give a full recap in this edition of the blog, there's too much to say all in a few posts.   

Beginning with that, now famous, descent from the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for the presidency--every day, every moment--through all those months on the campaign trail, in both the primary and general election, Donald Trump was laughed at, scoffed at, facing ugly crowds that hated him, he did the one thing he has and will always do; never give up.  

It seemed like Christmas at our home.  We gathered early, long before the polls closed, and stayed late until about 5:00 A.M.   I'm 60 years old now and I've been following politics every day of my life since I was old enough to know what it was all about.  How else could our family be? My seventh generation grandfather was with George Washington at Valley Forge--I come from a long line of American Patriots.

As the hands of the clock slowly turned on election night, we had our ups and downs, but as you all know it was mostly ups.  Democrat Hillary Clinton never got in the game as state by state was called by Fox News.  You could tell even they were surprised.  Remember how, over and over  we were so solemnly told by all the news media, "Donald Trump just has "no path" to 270 electoral votes"?  Well, how about that--over a two to three hour period--they slowly began to realize that their champion, Hillary Clinton, was the on who had "no path" to 270 electoral votes"?  Then at last, the teary-eyed media talking heads of the  press at approximately 2:50 A.M. the morning after the election where they finally had to say it; "Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States".

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