Thursday, March 23, 2017

Schumer Plays the Big Man Again

According to a letter from Senator Ted Cruz today he informed his supporters that Chuck Schumer has stated that he is opposed to Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court nominee (big surprise), and is trying to convince Democrat Senators to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch.
While some Washington insiders seem surprised, no one that knows anything about politics is surprised.  Schumer, a lawyer who has never practiced law, has an ego that is so big that he often rolls it around in the Senate chambers, and always in front of TV cameras like a giant beach ball.
In November, 2014 Schumer ranted that the news media was, “negative and sensationalistic”.  He was right!  But did he understand it then, and has somehow has lost his bearings in 2017? No! He was blaming the news media for democrat loses in the mid-term elections.  The story is covered completely covered in an  Accuracy in Media story, even go so far to say “that the Democrats failed the middle class by supporting Obamacare—which focused on the “wrong problem”—and then blamed the Obama-loving news media for being too “negative” and “sensationalistic.”  In this same sitting, he said the media was guilty of focusing on the “government’s failure and not it’s successes”. 
This is prime Schumer again.  He, more than most, knows that big government always has more failures than successes.  It’s not even close—prime example—Obamacare.  Accuracy in Media wrapped up the story and exposed Schumer’s hypocrisy with this: “That probably came as a surprise to the members of the mainstream media in attendance, since the last thing they wanted to see was the Republicans taking control of the Senate, and adding to their majority in the House.

But they made a good scapegoat for Schumer, who, although he was correct in listing some of the Democrats’ failures, didn’t mention the person who was truly responsible for the midterm drubbing—President Obama.

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