Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama chooses Arab network for first TV interview

Well, this has to cap the stack! Will someone pinch me so I'll know I'm dreaming?

Try this Obama quote on for size. ""My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama told the Saudi-owned, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel. First of all, I didn't know he had a "job to the Muslim world". If this idiot has a "job to" anyone, wouldn't it be to the United States? And if America is not radical Islam's enemy, then who is?

I'm providing links below to the AP News story, and then to the actual interview transcript. I hope you've got a strong stomach.

And finally, Chris Matthews, is something "tingling up your leg" right now? This is a link to AP where you can get an overview of his interview:


For the full speech go to: http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2009/01/27/65096.html

May God have mercy on us and the USA.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obamas Inauguration--A Day That Should Live on in Infamy!

Obamas Inauguration--A Day That Should Live on in Infamy!

If yesterday wasn't hard enough on we conservatives, today isn't much better. I expect this kind of silly coverages by ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN, but not Fox News. I know what Juan Williams is, but please, you let him cry out a statement about the Rev.(his title-not mine) Lowery's prayer. That prayer is what Rush called an insult to America.

How many conservatives are furious this morning about some of the outrageous things that happened yesterday? If yesterday's events cannot unite conservatives, then we might as well fold the tent.

President George Bush has performed remarkably during the transition. Even some in the liberal media have praised his actions as being unequaled in the graciousness of an outgoing President toward the incoming one. President Bush is an honorable man and it has never shown more than yesterday. Even after all the insults and barbarous action of Obama supporters on the steps of the capitol yesterday, President Bush, on arriving in Midland, Texas, at the end of a long day, called Obama "a good man". You're a better man that I Mr. President. I applaud you grace and refinement.

I am incensed at what took place yesterday at the inauguration. How could any decent American citizen participate in what was done to President Bush and his family Vice-President Cheney and his family, not to mention that it was also an insult to the entire nation. Well, apparently, there were plenty of people who crawled out of their pathetic ditch and tried to embarrass the President, Vice-President, the U.S. Military, of which President Bush was still the commander-in-chief, and all other decent Americans.

I hope people are already aware of what took place there yesterday. When President Bush arrived at the platform many of Obama's supporters loudly booed the President and his party. Vice-President Cheney, attending the inaugural in a wheel chair was booed and actually laughed at by this Obama trash. Many of Obama's "decent Americans" sang the juvenile, Na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, hey, hey, good-bye." I have never witnessed, and hope I never do again, this type of behavior on a world stage. Obama's supporters who participated in this are a disgrace, but you know what is worse? Obama's silence. Obama never said a word in defense of the outgoing administration, nor did he criticize this pitiable behavior. He had plenty of opportunity to repudiate this wretched behavior either before, during or after his address, which had already been labeled by the liberal media as words that "would be chiseled in marble". Mr. Obama, you were identified to the American people and the world as a man who is small, self-centered, and still consumed with hate for President Bush and the millions and millions of people around the world who recognize that President Bush is an honorable, cultured, and principled man.

As this deplorable action, which Obama participated in by his silence, is blogged around the earth, it is my hope that you, you who agree that this was an absolutely unacceptable attack on an American hero, will repeat it every where you go. I pray that you will take this debate to anyone who will listen, and I pray that decent individuals in the media, will take up the story and see that everyone on earth knows that America does not treat its leaders this way--especially leaders who have devoted themselves to protecting all the citizens of not only America, but all of the world from radical haters, the kind of haters which got their start doing the same thing these people did yesterday. God, protect America from her enemies, including the ones who crawled up out of their misery yesterday, long enough to embarrass our beloved country.

Newt, Newt, Newt! Have we lost you, son?

Well, Newt has lost his pea-picking mind. An article by Newt about the Obama Coronation on Human Events is jarring.
The Title of Newt's Article is:
Taking President Obama At His Word
by Newt Gingrich
Here are my comments and questions to Newt. A link to his article follows my short comment.

Newt, Newt, Newt. Have you lost your mind my friend? I've followed you since the GOPAC days, and this is the craziest thing I've ever heard you say.

I don't care if there were 18 cod-zillion people on the mall that day, you're talking about the coronation of King Obama who wants to allow America to murder more babies that we are already murdering. You're placing, in a positive light, an event that heralds the demise of the family, the military, our security, and the loosing of the worst terrorists in the world from Gitmo.

Even as I write this I am realizing that you must surely be under a doctor's care. Where's the old Newt? Has he gone the way of Johnny McCain? Spend some of that genius you possess helping us figure out how to beat him in three years, not welcoming him to the throne.
