Sunday, February 19, 2017

President Trump Returns to the People

President Trump's energy comes from people.  He has a way of communicating with the American public that I have not seen since Ronald Reagan was President.  Today was one of those days when the new President went to the people.

The headline of the covers the President's visit and why He is there:

  • 'I'm here because I want to be among the people': 
  • Trump continues his assault on 'fake' news with campaign rally in Florida after First Lady Melania led the crowd in The Lord's Prayer 

  • President Donald Trump stepped off of Air Force One for a speech in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday

  • He was introduced by the First lady Melania Trump who opened the rally with The Lord's Prayer

  • President spoke about bringing back jobs and increasing national security, and slammed the press

  • He defended the controversial immigration ban and bashed the appellate court that struck it down 

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