Sunday, February 01, 2009

Obama Another Jimmy Carter

After the presidential elected in November, I predicted that Barak Obama would be another Jimmy Carter. I believed then, and still do today that Obama would be a one term president.

Obama made promises during the campaign that would be impossible deliver once in office. Sure, some promises could be fulfilled with the stroke of his pen, but major issues are a different story.

Obama made promises about the economy without having a clue how to fix it. If you watch him closely you'll see that he and his spokesman, almost daily, trying to bring down expectations about promises made on the campaign trail. His slogan, "Yes we can" is still being shouted by his blind followers, but is likely to quickly become, "No we can't" or "Well, we can't right now". The most probable alteration Obama will be able to change his slogan to is, "Yes, maybe we can".

Many of Obama's promises on the campaign trail take us back to the promises and abject failure of Jimmy Carter. Carter knew he could not deliver on his promises and so doesBarak Obama. As bad as Carter was, Obama is worse. Obama just opened his mouth and let the promises flow. He was so determined to be President that he knew he had to lie to the American people.

I regret to say that all of us in America will soon see what a liar he is, and what a failure he is going to be as President. Our nation, and the whole world will soon realize that his "mystical charm" won't be worth much to him as the current occupant of the Oval Office. He is now the President of the United States, and he will quickly see that the real world is quite different from the feel-good, ego-pleasing world of the campaign trail.

The British newspaper Times Online spells it out quite well.

May God bless America.