Monday, May 28, 2007

God Bless America's Soldiers

This Memorial Day I've been thinking about Americans who have served their country in all of our past wars. The American Soldier has sacrificed tremendously down through the history of our nation.

Few of us today stop and think about the history of our nation. Actually, it's hard for many Americans to think about the role the American Soldier has played in the history of our nation, because of the revisionist history that is now being taught in our schools.

I wish all Americans could pause this Memorial Day to think of the sacrifices American soldiers have made so that we can have our freedom. I am writing at this forum and you are reading it thanks to America's soldiers. Yesterday, as you entered your place of worship, no one stopped you at the door and sent you away. No one is searching Americans' homes today without a warrant, and next year, we will chose our national leaders at the voting booth--all thanks to the American soldier.

I wish we could all stop and mull, for a short time, some of the sacrifices of these men. If you haven't given it thought lately, think of these men, and women for a moment, in the context of which they struggled.

In the American Revolution, men served in a war where they were often deprived of food, clothing, and weapons. They were separated from their families and faced hard winters in encampments throughout the colonies. These soldiers, few in number, were taking on the might of Great Britain, the largest military organization on the face of the earth.

During the American Civil War approximately 650,000 men died during the five years of war. Soldiers in this war, particularly Southern, also faced deprivation in many forms. They fought on, day after day, without food, proper clothing and munitions. Soldiers on both sides were separated from family, home, their normal way of life. (I am not addressing the cause of the war, but simply the sacrifice of the soldiers).

The wars of the 20th Century, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Middle East Wars and the current War on Terror are replete with sacrifices by the American soldier.

Let's pause sometime during this Memorial Day to remember the American Soldier. He has always been willing to fight. He has always endured hardships. He has always been willing to die for you and me. His sacrifice should never be forgotten.